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Golden Teacher Spore Syringe - Psilocybe Cubensis

The Golden Teacher is our most popular strain due to its easy, rapid growth and impressive potency.
This sporeprint contains millions of spores. Spores are suitable for the advanced grower who wants to be closely involved in the growing process.

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Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher

The Golden Teacher is our most popular strain due to its easy, rapid growth and impressive potency.

It is an all round excellent magic mushroom that wont leave anything to be desired. Golden Teachers are very potent mushrooms and can give you a very strong trip. The Golden Teacher is the largest kind of mushroom in the collection. They have caps that can reach five centimetres in diameter. It is also quite suitable for beginners. You just have to give this golden shroom a try.

Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher is an extra magical mushroom because of it's unknown origin. It is one of the “new” mushrooms and was discovered in the late 1980s. It is the only variety for which the second flush is much greater than the first.

Substrate: Compost, grain, pasteurized dung and straw
Temperature during colonization: 28 – 30 °C
Temperature during cropping: 22 – 26 °C

Spores are packed in a protective atmosphere and can be kept for a number of years. The spores can be sent to almost any country without a problem.

More Information
Manufacturer Mondo Mycologicals
Species of Magic Mushroom Psilocybe Cubensis
Content (ml) 20ml
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