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San Pedro Seeds (Echinopsis pachanoi) 20 pcs.

20 Seeds of the the San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi). This cactus originates in the mountains of Peru and Ecuador where this mescaline cactus grows at an altitude of 2000-3000 meter. It is well known for it's shamanic uses and healing properties.

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Contents: 20 Seeds of the San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi).

Description: The San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi) originates in the Andes mountains of Peru and Ecuador where this mescaline cactus grows at an altitude of 2000-3000 meter. Nowadays this cactus can be found in other parts of the Andes, such as the Argentinean and Bolivian mountains. San Pedro cactus is a rapidly growing cactus: under the right circumstances, this cactus can grow up to 30 to 40 cm a year.

The San Pedro cactus has a extensive history in shamanic culture. The most ancient signs of ritual use date back to 2000 years ago. Since the beginning of civilization in the Andes region, local shamans were using these cacti as part of their rituals, hailing the cactus as the “Materia Prima’. It was used not only as a religious sacrament, but also as a shamanic medicine.

Unlike the Peyote cactus and the psilocybin mushrooms, the use of the San Pedro cactus was not punished by the catholic inquisition

Cultivation: San Pedro cacti love a spot with a lot of sun. A window  on the south is the best, or in summertime you can place them outside on a terrace in the full sun.

These cacti have a good resistance to high and low temperatures, although they do not like temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius.

Like most cacti, San Pedro cacti are resistant against dry periods. During the growth-season, water them once every two weeks by soaking the soil completely.

More Information
Cactus Species San Pedro (Trichocereus Pachanoi)
Form Whole Seeds
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